Weather Policy | Lakeside Watersports

Weather Policy

At Lakeside Watersports, your safety and experience are our top priorities. Our weather policy ensures that all sessions are safe while making the best possible use of time on the water.

What Happens If There’s Bad Weather?

We evaluate the weather the night before or the morning of your session to determine if conditions are suitable. If we need to **cancel due to inclement weather**, we will notify you as early as possible.

Important Note: If your session is canceled by Lakeside Watersports due to **severe weather, equipment issues, or other factors**, you will receive a 100% refund (Minus Fees) for the time missed.

Our Approach to Weather:

  • We never send customers out in unsafe conditions.
  • If weather forces us to cancel before your session begins, we refund 100% (Minus Fees).
  • If we must end a session early, we will refund the unused portion.
  • We do not cancel sessions just because of clouds or light rain—some of the best watersports conditions happen when the lake is quieter!

Safety Is Always First

All of our boat captains are certified in Safe Boating, First Aid, and CPR. If a driver determines that conditions are unsafe (due to **severe weather, heavy boat traffic, or impaired customers**), they have the **sole discretion** to pause or cancel the session.

Why We Wait to Make the Call

New England weather is unpredictable, and conditions on Candlewood Lake can change by the hour. Many of our best sessions happen when the lake is empty due to cloudy or overcast skies. That means:

  • If it’s not dangerous, we will encourage you to continue your session.
  • If you’re unsure, we’ll work with you to **reschedule when possible**.
  • We will **never force you** into a session that you don’t feel comfortable with.

We only sell time at Lakeside Watersports—our sessions are in high demand. We appreciate your understanding that reserving a prime slot means we cannot rebook that time if a last-minute cancellation occurs.

Still Have Questions?

If you're unsure about the weather on the day of your session, please reach out! We're happy to help answer any concerns.